Moby Dicks

Ali Bon Tempi

Active Member
Is Moby Dicks open this year and is Jimmy still running the place? Been a couple of years since I've been over and even longer since I've been in figueretas!

still open but jim is now working at father jacks (what used to be the royal oak).....

irish bar it says on posters run by a scot.funny.and no irish beers on sale.well that was early least he and and mate are giving it a go.
did not have any when i popped in early june.must of sorting it out guy you can really have some fun with.known him now 12 years.
Ali Bon Tempi just follow the road passed moby dicks on you way to ibizatown.passed a sets of lights.keep on the right side of road.the road dips a bit in Figueretas as it levels its on the right hand side.if you see the beach/prom you have gone passed it.

less than a 10 min walk from moby dicks.