Mobile phone amnesty


Active Member
Lost my phone not long ago and decided not to get a new one to examine my own addiction to this device that society deems essential for life.

A really interesting exercise - and feel strangely liberated.

More interestingly - am realising that I have to be more decisive about social arrangements (am known for flakiness) and HOW is it possible to attract potential dates? :eek:

I find it alarming that old fashioned face to face contact appears to be dead and most of us rely on augmented/filtered/2nd hand reality for these kind of interactions.

Celibacy kicking in right about nowish. :x :lol:
I once turned my phone off for a whooooooooooooooooooole weekend and to my surprise i didnt once feel tempted to turn it on, so when you say about feeling quite liberated - i know what you mean 8)

I havent logged on to fb properly in the evening for months and i now dont feel the need, even though we are getting the next on wednesday so i probably will anyway :lol: it has less of a purpose now ive gotten older, literally just for pics and a random funny status if i cba lol
Oh I'm totally addicted to these things - having a desk job and working in web makes it kinda ubiquitous. :confused:

So I occasionally have moments of angst (how will people spontaneously meeting in parks be able to reach me? etc) - but these are few and underneath them I'm finding a really nice sense of calm.

Less immediacy and panic in my communications and more conscious living and flow.

A harsh realisation since I'm likely to get a replacement phone soon. What to do? :eek:
I'd probably be lost without my phone :\


It's harsh at times - but I'm a masochist when it comes to addiction.

It's really interesting to go cold turkey and examine the hold these things have over our lives.

I'm no alcoholic but like most Londoners am socially addicted to pubs - booze amnestys are also challenging.
blackberry this morning wouldn't get onto internet, sadly felt like a limb was missing (even though it was for about 20mins)