Mixmag Editor Quits


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Mixmag Editor Quits

22 Mar 2004

Mixmags editor Viv Craske has announced that he is to leave the magazine to concentrate on writing a novel.

The now former Mixmag editor said

"After four fantastic years and 48 great issues, I have decided it’s time to leave Mixmag.
The last four years have been a challenging time for dance music and I’ve relished the task of reinventing Mixmag for the rapidly changing clubbing market. I’ve worked on Mixmag with complete dedication and constant enthusiasm, but now it’s time for a change in direction for me. Whoever takes on the role of leading Mixmag over the next few years needs to be in it for the long haul, and that won’t be me.

Mixmag has been the bunt of rumors in recent times with the majority of these being that the Mag was set to close - with the editor calling it a day this may help fuel these rumors.

It is yet unknown who will take over as editor of the Mag.


You would have thought that with pretty much no competition nowadays, Mixmag would be doing better.

It really is a terrible, terrible mag now. the last couple of issues (which i read in WH Smiths) have been disgusting, semi porn, sub lad-mag shite.

Are there enough people out there to buy a clubbing magazine that isnt tooooo tech/nerdy, that just want a fun clubbing mag with decent listings.

Maybe not. I reckon whoever gets the job will have six issues at most to turn it round or-else emap will pull the plug
It used to be decent until they devoted everything to hard house & trance. It is now so biased towards those two genres. They used to have some decent cover cd's too!!
StevieG said:
It used to be decent until they devoted everything to hard house & trance. It is now so biased towards those two genres. They used to have some decent cover cd's too!!

Enjoyed the "50 tones of 2003" Freelance Hellraiser one at the end of last year but most 'em from the last few years are still in the cellophane. All entitled 'Bosh - Hard Dance blah, blah etc'!
I got a bit fed up of so many articles being about drugs. it's as though it's aimed at 18 year olds who've just started going clubbing.

Wish Jocket Slut was still monthly.
I don't say anything about Mixmag being good or bad (because it is the only option in Finland) but I think it is very important part of international clubbing. It is the only magazine you can buy everywhere. And it is in english so almost everybody can read it. Otherwise we will not know anything about good clubs and dj's and clubbing gear...Without international clubbing magazine we will just know record sales and tunes from radio and MTV. This is important for other countries but it also boosts british clubbing :!:

A couple of years ago there were Ministry/Muzik/Mixmag. Now there is only Mixmag :(
rustywoo said:
It really is a terrible, terrible mag now. the last couple of issues (which i read in WH Smiths) have been disgusting, semi porn, sub lad-mag sh*te.

i couldn't agree more with this comment mate - i picked up a copy the other day and it was literally just full of naked birds and a few kids with glow sticks.....i was embarrased to be reading it!!!!

How emap can say this is a fair representation of clubbing in this country is behond me!!!!! Then agan, most emap magazines are abyssmally put together these days.

I am sure we all agree that 8-10 years ago Mixmag was most definatly in touch with the youth that it represented.....nowadays its a running joke!
I have read it for 6 years, and it is excellent if you like trance or hard house, and are young...however it has lost a sense of information which it used to have, hopefully a new editor will come along...someone who knows more about dance music as a whole?
Maybe we should do a Spotlight Clubbers Mag - lets face it there are some knowledgeable bods on this board and with the amount of info on clubbing UK, Europe, the world/music/do's and don'ts we know between us - could be a money spinner!!! ;)
Will the said novel which is to be written about drugs by any chance? :roll: :P