Mixes from snooba-Ginoblay-Manosinistra-Qburns...


New Member


http://www.vinylamalgame.com/mixes&sons/Snooba_I_remember_Vincent_and_since_ I_run _to_my _ease.mp3

http://www.vinylamalgame.com/mixes&sons/Q_burns_abstract_message_BAM_October_2006_DJ _Mix.mp3


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Since 1994, known under the name of Snooba I propose my moving mix on Radio PANIK, within places stranger and more various, more organizing, Program planner and Dee Jay within the Panik party collective, but also: Celebrate beach, private happenings, alternative parties, Brussels coffees, parks recycled, festivals Off, clubs . [/FONT]
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My Mixes Combine no-nonsense attitude and you wont be surprised that theyve already established a very good reputation in the independent scene of today. Expect a dose of glitchy elektro, electric and minimal nu disko,then add a dash of breacks,a pinch of troonik rock,underground classics,booty hop fresh flavours ... and you'll feel minded, moody, seriously up for dancing... or strangely disoriented... [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Radio Multi Pop Show conceptor since 1989 .

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SNOOBA played
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Le GAzon-RECYclart-HALLes de SCHAERbeek-CAfe CENtral-PANik Party-Le BAZAar club-NEXt party at Raffinerie- Vaudeville -BUlex-CREmaEgusto-Couleur Cafe-Moving art studio-KHan H-BAteau IVre-Dour+WEChter for DE CAFE/VO event agency -BOUTIk ROck-WAX CLub-IHECS Bal-Roi des Belges-Bitume photography art festival-Festival des Libertes-Cinema Nova-Ligue AntiproHibitionniste-Alka-Who's who's-Mirano-Pole-Pole-Kunsten Festival des Arts-Les Nuits Botanique-Truskel-Dali's bar-DNA-Structure Beton-Puur Kultur Festival-BXxxlBravo festival-Alibi PArty-WhAt's Party-Club Geluk-Triptyque-Salon Beau Beau-Atelier 210-Sortie 23 festival-Vinyl Vintage-Magasin 4-Bar des clandestins-Elektro wash citizens-Shake Up-Coloriage Birthday-Pop Zero-Free-It Becomes Infectious-Warm fm resident -Radio Panik resident-Equinoxe fm-Radio coloriage resident-Campus 3 resident ...

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with : [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Q burns Abstract message/Nrk one/eight dimension-Rithma/Om records-Piiit/next-P.O/Missive-Bnx aka Zimpala/Platinum records-Koentje/Charlatan-Timaxx/Pure fm/Cuttin edge/Antwerp-Kwak/stricly niceness-Mod'X /Ice and spice-Stel R/Pop Zero-Para One/Institubes-Geoffroy aka Wugump/hi-Phen/Food-Krs/Glamorama-Patrick vidal/Be different-Mego/structure beton-Red ant+Mellow+Bun 0+ Protesta/Futureworldfunk-Paul Murphy/Afro Art-Kid loco/Kill My darling-Cayetano-Red Bamboo-Elephant Power-David Garcet aka Pink slow motel-Al Halca sound system/Klein-I Wolf/Klein-Didgereedoo-funky Bompa-Malan Jack-Puyo Puyo-...[/FONT]