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who had the messiest NY of all...?

I'm going to stake an early claim

went to a great party in a blacked out gallery in herne hill on friday night, the midnight tune was a shambles, but nobody cared, then the london fields all dayer on the saturday afternoon was brilliant, just total dirty, carnage and then (somehow) on to LOWLIFE at the corsica - quality night, slightly quieter than normal on numbers but everyone concentrated in one room made it more intense, neville watson playing amazing house music (total DON) and leo elstob gradually bringing it down and then! AND THEN! the mother of crazy $hit, not only do I run into an Ibiza resident who was with us in the summer, I also ran into a few folk FROM THIS VERY PARISH! although I was decidedly poleaxed by this stage :oops: - so it's a bit hazy. Hope you all had fun

too many tunes to mention - brilliant weekend on all counts.

the downside is that it has thrown my sleep into chaos all week... :x
I might be a contender.....
NYE was the quietist night , was down The Metropolitan in Westbourne Park. No real scandal except getting a taxi to a friends party in queens park , not being able to find it then getting another one back to mates house in Kings Cross.

Woke up on sofa full of beans cos Id been more up for NYD than NYE . Destroyed fryups and were in Liverpool St Weatherspoons for 12.30. The clientelle were in typical wasted form and it wasnt particularly imspiring. Met people then went to Vibe bar who had promised a massive 4 room party with heated seating areas , food etc. Was abit of a blag really they had a couple of those red lamps and a very tired Marquee.Full of rudeboys and people who really should go home but after a a naughty we got stuck right in. All came crashing down few hours later about 7pm , had abit of a sketchout and had to get out of there so went across to Big Chill Bar which was a good move. More drinks and talking to randoms then we went back to my mates flat again. This resulted in a hilarious rendition of the intro to Bump n Grind by a mate which made us all cry with laughter.

Wake up sunday expecting the worst but was still pissed so no hangover yet. We then made the decision that we should go to the pub for lunch and string it out. Old Queens head was busy and a good laugh then we headed back to brixton to cook a thai curry , drink beer , wine and baileys.

Then monday came. OOOOUUUUUUUCH! Cue shaking , throwing up , and general flailing all day with a girl next to you in your ear saying "Its all in your head just get up". Managed half a mars bar and some diet coke then Taaaaxxxiii! Got home and felt alright. Managed food etc all seemed fine

Then 2am Monday night OOOUUUUCCHH! Cue major sore throat , aches pains , headache etc. So as I sit here it will have been my second night with no sleep at all and Im holed up in bed with Flu.
Perhaps not the biggest weekend ever but the flu to finish was a touch.
Mine doesn't quite match up to that Olly but in terms of lack of sleep it was reasonably hectic.

I really wasn't feeling the love due to caning it on champers and silly expensive red wine the previous night as it was my 1st wedding anniversary, however I put my...erm..game face on and mixed it with the 'friends with kids' from about 5pm til 9pm then came back to rave with the 26 year olds at our tennants house party which involved topless dancing (male), numerous Tequila Sunrises, introducing the youngsters to the Happy Mondays, and the discovery of wholemeal Pringles mmmmm!

I left at about 4am with the party still going and got up at 9am, hangover free, tore the Christmas tree down and was back on it at 3pm where a 'few drinks' turned into funk knows how many and a dirty takeaway pizza at midnight *the shame*
Fri ... Aura then to the old bullring near DC10 .... left there at about 7.30am and went home to recover for a while.
Sat ... DC10 at 7.30 pm ... totally nuts in there, including them dropping U2 New Years Day at one point. All a bit hazey to be honest. But a great time was had by all.
hauskitten were you in the back room when a guy proper ko'd? i put him in the recovery position b4 the bouncers took him out. was one of the scariest moments i've has out clubbing :confused:
no thank god the state I was in if I'd have seen that it would have broken me :eek: I had an amazing night though it was up there as one of my best :D I felt like I was in there for 3 days! Did get a bit weird around 2 til half 2 where understanding reality was a struggle ..
have had a remarkably soft landing thus far this week

would usually be on the cusp of the apocalypse by around tuesday 5pm but it strangely went off with a whimper this time
If only I could put it so beautifully :D ...anyway! I've also avoided the mid-week post clubbing blues, possibly because (something in my opinion far worse) exam revision is taking over my life at the moment