Minimal House Mix

maybe a tracklist? or putting it on Soundcloud is a good idea so ppl can have a skip through it before downloading it.
tracklist as requested

1. Sebastian Leger - The rhythm
2. Marco bailey - Jungle laps
3. Speedy J - minimal
4. Adam Beyer - Remainings III
5. Federico Milani - hooker
6. John Tejada - end of it all
7. Eva Elekktra - spilo
8. Discount rhinos - pills & champagne
9. Neuroxyde - yebo yebo
10. Reiner Weichhold - Yeah
11. Daniel Padley & Paul Cooper - Animals
12. Worakls - Couch
13. kaiserdisco - amalfino
14. Toolman - gold Bunny
15. Federico Milani - toolbox