Mexico - Better than Ibiza?


Well-Known Member
i came back from Mexico last week where I went to a couple of events at BPM (Ants and Diynamic) as well as Flying Circus at New Year. The whole experience just blew me away and reminds me of Ibiza 20 years ago.

It is a very liberal place where anything goes, embraces outside clubbing, has stupidly loud sound systems, events that close when they feel like it, 24hr clubbing if you want it and nice people who are all into their music. Blue Parott is a very special club right on the beach with half of it outside and you can dance while the sun comes up. The venue on the beach for Flying Circus was also fantastic.

A total lack of EDM and the crowd that it brings makes for a great atmosphere with like minded friendly people.

Add to that security who apologise when trying to get past you, staff who smile and dance when serving you and a complete lack of any attitudes, Mexico for clubbing is a tremendous place and better than what Ibiza has become today. Drinks in clubs are also reasonably priced (water and beer £2 and a spirit with mixer £4) and it all highlighted to me how the clubs in Ibiza totally take the customer for granted and take the piss.

I will always go to Ibiza (flights already booked for Ibiza in September) and still love the clubs and experience, but if you want to experience what it used to be like and something less commercial and special, save the pennies and get to Mexico. Once you are there it is cheap enough and if you are seriously into your music and clubbing, Mexico is a must.
anything goes? so why exactly was one of the last parties cancelled respectively moved to another place?

your review sounds great though, glad you had a good time!!
When I say anything goes, I am referring to the stupid rules that have come in place in Ibiza such as no after hours, roofs on clubs etc. I remember going to Manumission and they would open the roof up early morning and you could dance under the stars when the sun came up, it finished when it finished and everyone moved on to Space. Too many stupid rules have impacted the overall experience ( still a fantastic place that I will always love though!) It just reminded me so much of what Ibiza used to be like which I preferred to be honest.

I heard that the Social Experiment Party at Blue Venado was combined with the This is the End party, no idea why though? Maybe just poor numbers?
I heard that the Social Experiment Party at Blue Venado was combined with the This is the End party, no idea why though? Maybe just poor numbers?

that's not what I heard but I wasn't there myself so can't really comment.

you got a point though, there are too many rules here, there's no denying this. let's see how long it continues as liberal over in playa d'en carmen/tulum, reading through some articles it might change soon already (which would be a shame).
Glad you enjoyed it Dirk! BPM is certainly on the list for me. Although my brother has told me the police have been much stricter this year. Some parties got shut down early aswell as the Social Experiment party being cancelled at blue venado and moved elsewhere.

I was in Mexico last summer (Tulum and Playa del Carmen) and I absolutely loved it! (Although the heat was almost unbearable for me in late June/July).

I think the overall BPM experience is fine competition for an Ibiza holiday...but for me, Mexico vs Ibiza, there is no comparison. Ibiza wins by a country mile.

I can't explain it, (and I suspect I don't have to as the majority of spotlighters who have been going for years if not decades probably already understand) but the feeling I get from the moment I land in Ibiza is just pure LOVE. As much as I enjoyed Mexico , it's beautiful beaches, amazing sunrise/sunsets,the friendly people and managing to find techno on a Monday night in PDC....I wouldn't go back unless it was for BPM. Whereas I would go to Ibiza any time, and would happily live there. Magical island!
While the BPM looks fantastic, I've been to Blue Parrot & Mamitas outside January and its a completely different experience. The clubs are pretty cheesy and the crowd very mainstream.

Still PDC is a million times better than the hell that is Cancun.
Have a mate who said the same off season.

I know it is completely different, but loads of non BPM parties around Tulum as well, where I would probably look to stay when going back. It is maybe because it is such a short 'season' if you can call it that of a month.

Good point made about would I stay there? No I wouldn't but I would and hopefully will one day stay in Ibiza. This is purely about the nights clubbing I expericed which just reminded me of the Ibiza of years ago.

What did you hear about the cancelled party? Sounds interesting. Also any articles you can point me to?
(This is just a general view point, not aimed as a reply to anyone)

I don't doubt for a second that older Ibiza was immense. Less commercialised, not as expensive and many more benefits! However, I believe we need to just roll with the times and make the most of it. It's still as beautiful as ever.

Nostalgia is a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. It's a permenant memory which can't be changed therefore it has emotional connotations of safety and security. Unlike the present and future which is uncertain and unknown.

It's always great reminisce the years before....but I think the past will always seem better. The people who were there in the 90s will say the 80s were better....the people who are there in 2030 will say 2015 was better.....don't look back too long, you're not going there.

Live in the now, and make the most of it because that's all we are guaranteed.

Namaste ❤
I've been going to BPM and Ibiza for years.

BPM is awesome, but let's not get carried away. BPM is starting to get too crowded for it's own good and it's run out of venues to fit everyone. Blue Parrot seems to be the go to venue for the big parties and I think the place sucks as does the sound. Not sure why they didn't use Coco Maya this year, but they needed it and it's one of the best venues. The other thing that seems to be getting worse is the overall shadyness. Mexico is shady, real shady. It's part of the reason I like it, but I feel like it's getting close to something really bad happening with the drug cartel. Speaking of drugs, it's really hit or miss. Plenty of K and Coke (hit or miss quality), but MDMA is usually bathsalts. Also,the police are crooked. I've seen them bribe tourists for years....even if you don't have drugs on you they pretty much say you're going to jail if you don't pay a "fine". So I'm not surprised to hear about the Innervisions party, and it kinda makes me giggle to hear all the shocked first timers. Also, I've yet to make it through BPM without shitting my brains out for a few days. But other than that, yes, BPM is pretty much Ibiza crammed into 1 week.

Cliffnotes: BPM wins at outside partying until the sun comes up, but loses at clubs, drugs and overall safety. Both are awesome.
First time in Blue Parott this year and I belive it has had somekind of refurb. Can't comment on previous years but I was impressed.

With regards to other things I couldn't complain at all, agree the police and general vibe can be shady at times but the house scene has always had that.

There are no maybes to me about Ibiza being better 20 years ago, there were fewer stupid rules and far less commercialisation. It was more raw and real. I wouldn't still be going if it didn't have something special, but the simple thing is it isn't as good as it was. To other people who prefer things more sparkly, clean and sanitised they will probably prefer the Ibiza of today. The popularisation of Ibiza with a higher number of EDM, Towie, Look how rich I pretend to be, non dancing people don't make things better. Each to their own.

The Innervisions thing is surprising. Surprised the cartels would want any bad press that could impact business and future visits by tourists. I can only assume someone's hand hasn't been provided with the necessary lubricants.

The one thing I didn't like were the Candian security running BPM. I got the impression they were somekind of unprofessional biker gang brought in to support due to their general unprofessionalism, condescending and arrogant attitude. Mexian security inside the events were spot on, the Canadians were complete dicks. Can only assume the Canadians got too big for their boots, wouldn't surprise me. Funny how it was the only offsite venue that was closed early? More to this that I certainy know anyway.
Im sure it will go the same way the winter music conference went for Miami. I remember going to that when it was great 15 years ago and look what thats become now. Enjoy it while it lasts. :)
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Agree. Everything is eventually spoiled by greedy people and commercialism

With regards to the high prices of flights and accomodation, I also agree it is more expensive to get there but it is far cheaper once you are actually there and you don't even need half the spending money you would take to Ibiza (and I was eating at decent places)

Maybe I should have titled the thread 'Mexico - Better than Ibiza?'

Certainly been enjoyable to get everyones thoughts and opinions on what has been a quiet forum of late.
Dirk, glad you had a riot. I was smoking and watching the entire Diynamic party live in my room...solomun and thyladomid really crushed it..and adriatque was great as well. what was your opinion being there live?
Dirk, glad you had a riot. I was smoking and watching the entire Diynamic party live in my room...solomun and thyladomid really crushed it..and adriatque was great as well. what was your opinion being there live?

Missed Thyladomid, enjoyed adriatque and good as early evening DJs, HOSH blew me away (my favourite set of the evening) closely followed by Solomun. First time I have seen them live and totally get it.
Missed Thyladomid, enjoyed adriatque and good as early evening DJs, HOSH blew me away (my favourite set of the evening) closely followed by Solomun. First time I have seen them live and totally get it.

Yea man, ive been on the Diynamic bandwagon ever since going to Neon Nights in 2013. Got to see Solomun play for about 3 hours, then Hosh for about 2 hours. I think i managed to see Solly 6 or 7 times in 2014...pretty good for living in the states. Adriatique and HOSH for me are very very good live. Never disappointed with them. David August is also quite good, but he can be hit or miss to me based on the crowd and the influence im on :D. Either way though, they live up to the hype!
Was Diynamic night at Blue Parrot? I'm listening to Solomuns set from there in work and it sounds so good. But it doesn't say if it was from Diynamic or +1 night.