Mens Watches


Active Member
Need some help and advice with regards to mens watches as i havent a clue...

The bf's birthday is in December and he loves nice watches, but i havent a clue where to start...

Going by his previous watches im gona say he wouldnt want leather and nothing to bling...

any input on brands or designs would be greatly appreciated as any advice is better than none...
Whats your budget? Otherwise people could quite easily recommend something for tens of thousands :D
is it a special birthday? are we talking under 500, over £1k?

if going for something a bit more fun / casual / cheaper i'd say a Toywatch, always liked the look of them, i've never had one personally as im unsure of the sizing on the wrist strap though
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If I were you I'd take him shopping and let him choose, things like watches and jewellery are notoriously difficult to buy for anyone.
Well im not flush with cash and cant justify a massive amount spent on a watch as im sure you can imagine...

I know for a decent watch you do have to spend a fair amount tho :spank:

I will say my max is £150
Well im not flush with cash and cant justify a massive amount spent on a watch as im sure you can imagine...

I know for a decent watch you do have to spend a fair amount tho :spank:

I will say my max is £150

For that money, I would say this one:

It's an automatic which means you don't need a battery and has the spec of a much more expensive watch.

It's also a genuine divers watch so has lots of knobs to twiddle with :lol:

A friend of mine has one - it looks really good and he prefers it to his ££££££ other watch.
Somebody better tell these guys what time it is........
