Memorable British summers


Active Member
Looking out of my office door now, beautiful blue sky, gentle breeze reminds me how nice our summer days can be.

What are your most memorable warm summers?

I can't think of the last one within the past half dozen years when we had a few weeks of lovely weather in July /August. The theme seems to have been a nice week in June to get everyone excited about a heatwave, then nada until late August/ September!

1975 & 1976 were scorchers .....
2005 summer, between GCSEs and A Levels.
Nothing at all to worry about, no job, nothing.
Probably the last time I was completely free from worries.
2005 was a hot one.

Mini Jam I was born at the end of June and I remember the hospital full of fans to try and keep the waddling Mums-to-be cool...
What about 2006 ? Seem to remember absolute scorchers that year ...

2006 was the last proper scorcher I remember too;)

Lately the springs have been to warm and dry early on, so when summer comes the weather turns to poo:rolleyes: which the last few years have all been like!
Can't say much about British summers, but the most memorable summer I've had anywhere I've lived or traveled has to be 2010 in Moscow. We nearly burned alive!