meet me 2wice july n late august club paraiso!!!


New Member
right back for my 5th trip i think?!! can't keep count!!! anyone going july the 4th staying at hotel laurel and 28th august for 10 days the famous club paraiso AKA Ibiza rocks hotel. gr8 bunch of girlies, wil have u in stitches n dancing all night long. We actualy managed to meet quite alot of the peos we met on, myspace, facebook, this sight etc... it be good to meet loadsa peops again!!!xx
ibiza 08

Alright me and ma mate sammy will be there 6th july for 2 weeks!! if you fancy meetin up just pm me!!! Two mad lassies boucing about round the west end yipee!!!
August meet up

hiya, yeh for sure, would be laguh to get together, as you know im there in august at same time as you with 5 mates.