May 11th for 4 days


Active Member
Thinking about coming over for the weekend of 11th May.

Usually stay in PDB but will a lot be open then?

Would look to head to Cafe Del Mar one evening and was thinking about taking a look at the opening of the Forgotten club. Would you recommend staying over San An way? If so, any good hotels you can recommend that are fairly quiet but within a 15 minute walk to Cafe Del Mar etc.

Any ideas as to what may be going on at Pacha that weekend?

Any other suggestions of things to do that weekend? Nice places to eat that are middle of the price range.

Thanks in advance.

A certain spotlighter here used to use hotel tarba(probably wrong spelling) and couldn't speak highly enough of it for the price. He did end his last trip sleeping in his car though.....hmm no names mentioned ;) :lol:
A certain spotlighter here used to use hotel tarba(probably wrong spelling) and couldn't speak highly enough of it for the price. He did end his last trip sleeping in his car though.....hmm no names mentioned ;) :lol:

Yes, Tarba is very good value and a decent place to stay - just watch the electrics in that part of town - blew my laptop on it without using a fused adaptor and had no power a couple of times, but hopefully the municipality have finished whatever they were messing with to cause those problems ! Ric put me on to this place originally actually.

Btw ... thanks for sharing that OllieNotts :spank: ! My last trip of the Season in late August 2012 was actually spent entirely living out of my car as I never got it together to check in anywhere in 3 nights. It turned very much into a messy one - more so than any of the previous ones and has never been reviewed as I do not want to encourage people to do that and some of it is perhaps best not shared ;).

It's one thing for those of us who have a bit of experience of doing it but even then I don't recommend as it is fraught with challenges and risks, constantly on your guard even when dozing and you can get yourself into a real mess very easily if you're not careful. Flat batteries, waking up to a coked-up penniless woman rifling bag in the boot you accidentally left unlocked in Space car park (I gave her 5 Euros and a good ticking off), mobile phones running out of charge after losing charger under dirty clothes in the boot, cold washes under beach showers, sitting in car paying overdue bills at home over international phone calls ... and 2 big clubs a night for 1st 2 days - the Summer had definitely reached a crazy conclusion that trip !

I even got my damage deposit back in full and didn't lose any possessions which was a miracle, but the return flight with a 6 hour layover in Madrid changing terminals and trying to sleep on the airport seats was an effective way of making sure I drew a line under any more trips last year ... not to mention the 7 hours it took me to drive home only 100 miles from the airport in between sleeping. I was truly defeated - but loved every minute of it nonetheless and can honestly say I "did Ibiza" that trip ;) !!!!!
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Yes, Tarba is very good value and a decent place to stay - just watch the electrics in that part of town - blew my laptop on it without using a fused adaptor and had no power a couple of times, but hopefully the municipality have finished whatever they were messing with to cause those problems ! Ric put me on to this place originally actually.

Btw ... thanks for sharing that OllieNotts :spank: ! My last trip of the Season in late August 2012 was actually spent entirely living out of my car as I never got it together to check in anywhere in 3 nights. It turned very much into a messy one - more so than any of the previous ones and has never been reviewed as I do not want to encourage people to do that and some of it is perhaps best not shared ;).

It's one thing for those of us who have a bit of experience of doing it but even then I don't recommend as it is fraught with challenges and risks, constantly on your guard even when dozing and you can get yourself into a real mess very easily if you're not careful. Flat batteries, waking up to a coked-up penniless woman rifling bag in the boot you accidentally left unlocked in Space car park (I gave her 5 Euros and a good ticking off), mobile phones running out of charge after losing charger under dirty clothes in the boot, cold washes under beach showers, sitting in car paying overdue bills at home over international phone calls ... and 2 big clubs a night for 1st 2 days - the Summer had definitely reached a crazy conclusion that trip !

I even got my damage deposit back in full and didn't lose any possessions which was a miracle, but the return flight with a 6 hour layover in Madrid changing terminals and trying to sleep on the airport seats was an effective way of making sure I drew a line under any more trips last year ... not to mention the 7 hours it took me to drive home only 100 miles from the airport in between sleeping. I was truly defeated - but loved every minute of it nonetheless and can honestly say I "did Ibiza" that trip ;) !!!!!
You looked well for a man of your age when we spent the day in cala llonga ;) I wouldn't dream of releasing such details of that trip but to say "if only they knew" :lol :lol:
Great memories to stay with you though, and to make me giggle it truely is those moments that money can't buy in life and "ony in Ibiza" springs to mind!
Hoping I am not retired from such adventures forever now I am a family man :(
Can't recall clearly but think I was down to my last pair of cleanish swimshorts and no clean shirt to put on by the time we met up - perhaps not the perfect way to be introduced to your other half and mother in law :oops:.... but it was August and blooming scorching ! Was fun and great memories tho' - enjoyed meeting the family and a chilled out afternoon that day too :). There are always "those moments" in so many ways wherever you go - and I'm sure you'll have more.

If you ever go on your own, Tarba is a decent and very reasonably priced choice - with buses virtually opposite for those moments when it's best to leave the car keys in the room (!) Never say never.
Good to hear lots of positive comments about the Tarba. Will be staying there for a few days over openings
Thanks for the replies.

Have come across the Puchet on here, anyone stayed there previously? Only over for a weekend so just looking for a base that is quiet and this looked fairly smart for the money.

Anyone planning to head to the opening of the old Summon Club? I kind of feel like checking it out as this was the first ever club I visited in Ibiza, back in 1996.
Puchet is quite a bit fancier than Tarba. Its location is a bit guff - right on a busy road - but there's a small supermarket downstairs with handy cashpoints next door I often pull up and use. No easy long stay parking very close to the hotel is main reason I never stayed there. It gets pricey in Season but likely very good value pre-Season and there's a computer room with internet etc. for guests.
Puchet is quite a bit fancier than Tarba. Its location is a bit guff - right on a busy road - but there's a small supermarket downstairs with handy cashpoints next door I often pull up and use. No easy long stay parking very close to the hotel is main reason I never stayed there. It gets pricey in Season but likely very good value pre-Season and there's a computer room with internet etc. for guests.

Nice one, cheers mate.
I'll take that into account as I'll be hiring a car and want to make sure I can park up fairly close by.
Nice one, cheers mate.
I'll take that into account as I'll be hiring a car and want to make sure I can park up fairly close by.

I'd stay at the Gran Sol then - really nice hotel, all the facilities and £26 a night for those 4 days single £53 a night double. Try here or Booking.c*m