Mark Speight...

Yup. Wondered at the time of his girlfriends death just how heavy they'd been 'on it', as most people I know think it could never happen to them and that she must have taken shedloads.

I hope I'm wrong about there being nothing after this life and they are together.
Yup. Wondered at the time of his girlfriends death just how heavy they'd been 'on it', as most people I know think it could never happen to them and that she must have taken shedloads.

I hope I'm wrong about there being nothing after this life and they are together.

its amazing how much a person thinks their body can take - but the difference between decent and mediocre makes all the difference to what a person can handle. But then you add sleeping tablets into the equation.....:confused:

a sad day for both their families......
sad sad sad.

just a bit **** how the rozzers just simply let him go on his not so merryway.

ok, he wasnt a "victim" but wheres the support for people in his situation?
wheres the support for people in his situation?

No where. Ill and stressed people are collectively worth millions to the government and drug companies and brewers.

This world is the mother of all kuntz when it comes to helping people out who genuinely need it.:evil::evil::evil:
Apparently she sat back in the bath with the hot tap running and had a heart attack. The water was left to run red hot hence the injuries...
Am I the only one who's wondering about the fact its a bit odd that. Albeit a tragedy, in these days of our so-called era of heightened security. This fella's got himself into the roof structure of one of our busiest train stations and hung himself and not been spotted for six days???
I never even considered that aspect to be honest.....

It was just a bit of a cold shiver moment, I just kept thinking to myself "Jeez what if..........?????" how would you cope, I'm not saying I couldnt carry on if it happened to my other half, but I think it would seriously scar me for life....
I never even considered that aspect to be honest.....

It was just a bit of a cold shiver moment, I just kept thinking to myself "Jeez what if..........?????" how would you cope, I'm not saying I couldnt carry on if it happened to my other half, but I think it would seriously scar me for life....

He was found in an office block that was undergoing refurbishment btw, not the actual train station, that's why no-one found him, they'd been lying empty and entrance was by security card only
They think maybe builders left a lift door propped open and he got in that way, it was just a disused part of the building that was being refurbed.

This has truly disturbed me :cry: I can't stop thinking about it! I couldn't imagine what I would do if I found my partner this way.
He was found in an office block that was undergoing refurbishment btw, not the actual train station, that's why no-one found him, they'd been lying empty and entrance was by security card only
They think maybe builders left a lift door propped open and he got in that way, it was just a disused part of the building that was being refurbed.

This has truly disturbed me :cry: I can't stop thinking about it! I couldn't imagine what I would do if I found my partner this way.

I saw that today in The Sun. Typical paper that said he was in the station then when you read the small print he was above the offices for the British Transport Police. Not that it makes it any easier for the poor families of course.....
you could easily walk into any building with 2 metres of rope and no one will bat an eyelid.

wear a bomber jacket/rucksack combo and all eyes will be tracking your every move.