Marco Carola vs Fabric


Well-Known Member
We regret to announce that Marco Carola has decided to cancel his next fabric show with us here on 25th May owing to an unresolved dispute over his accommodation and his management's refusal to look at alternatives. We're hugely disappointed to have to break this news to you at such a late stage; especially considering all of our best efforts to rectify the situation and our longstanding relationship with Marco.

We will be announcing a new line up for Room One shortly, but in the mean time we will be offering full refunds to those people who specifically bought tickets to see Marco Carola.

Please email stating your booking reference to apply for a refund.

[h=5]Dear friends, I was really shocked to see Fabric's unprofessional statement on Facebook, so want to apologise personally about the cancellation of May 25th as this was not a decision I took lightly. I was forced into this due to the disrespectful behavior of Fabric towards my team – my team is like my family so I take this kind of behavior very seriously.

I am very sorry about this cancellation because I really love playing in London and did not want to let you guys down! I really hope you understand and support my decision.
We are working very hard to find a solution and will let you know of a new London date soon.[/h]
who knows the real story but ive been thinking Carola is very over rated for a while. The hotel round the corner that fabric are known to put people up in is pretty nice by all accounts so not sure what the issue is
His "team" probably consisted of a stupid amount of people that weren't required to be there and Fabric weren't happy to foot the bill.
he's due to play pressure@ the arches in glasgow on the friday interested to see how many hangers on will be lurking about the dj booth, last time i saw him in glasgow he had loads of people fawning over him.
I bet it's surprising how big your family grows when you start 'getting your Music On' ! I hope all the family members are still loyal to make it all worth it if things "take a turn" ;). But of course we'll never know the whole story ...
Anyoen seen that infamous vid of him B2B with Hawtin @Amnesia? How rammed is the booth then and that silly woman knocking the needle off the deck! :spank:
I find this story unbelievable.
What was actually wrong with the accommodation? Probably not enough stars. His explanation for cancelling does not say anything to clear the matter. Carola has done himself no favours here.

Just seen they've got Sasha playing now.. not a bad replacement :)
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