Manager/Supervisor Positions


New Member

With regard to seasonal positions, how many are of managerial or supervisory status? I am trying to convince my missus to go out next year but she is a restaurant manager and not really up for jacking it in for any old job.


With regard to seasonal positions, how many are of managerial or supervisory status? I am trying to convince my missus to go out next year but she is a restaurant manager and not really up for jacking it in for any old job.


Lots of good well paying jobs for professional reliable staff in ibiza. She would land a good job easy if she was prepared to work hard and not party too much. In july and august every night is a saturday night in Ibiza. Only 3/4 months work though
Thanks for the reply Bez.

What sort of wage would these types of positions pay and is it the same process I.e. going from bar to bar looking for work?
One thing I would advise is to brush up on / or indeed learn some Spanish..... If you were hoping for a managerial type job, you'd be speaking to Spanish managers and not all of them speak brilliant English (even in the really touristy areas)... It's always a bonus to have another language, opens more doors for you! ;)

I would imagine that yes job hunting would involve "touting" yourself and your CV around businesses... :)
Spent last weekend in Ibiza and asked A LOT of people about jobs etc and nearly everyone worked as a PR???

Where would you find the ..ahem.. more desirable jobs?
Spent last weekend in Ibiza and asked A LOT of people about jobs etc and nearly everyone worked as a PR???

Where would you find the ..ahem.. more desirable jobs?

most of the time people need a while (speaking in seasons) for that. you need to make contacts, get to know people etc. there are exceptions of course, but most people working in better positions once began as a PR!