Maintenance work


New Member
I'm Vince a young and fit 38 year old gardener from Kent UK.

I'd like to start a string on the best way of approaching prospective employers who work maintaining the beaches and other tourist areas.Also of interest is whether this work would be seasonal or a year long activity.
vince, the beaches are maintained by the council so i'd cross that off your list. however there are lots of absentee owners with enormous villas who need their gardens maintaining for 4 seasons. there are several landscape gardeners on the island who may have work for'll need spanish (natch) so check out the yellow pages. good luck
gardener is also one of the more common (and possibly more sought after) jobs that you will find advertised in the local/daily rags.

so buy yourself some column inches as a means of earning a bit on the side. as with any job of this nature, i'm sure there is plenty of work that you could do but it's a case of finding it or people finding you. so get to know as many people as you can whilst here but certainly when over there and let them know what you can do.

out of interest, you talk about maintaining beaches. thinking laterally, there are always lots of seasonal jobs doing things like putting out and collecting sun loungers for the various bars. it might not sound like the best job in the world but for the summer you only work a few hours a day and the pay isn't so bad. i'm sure if you found a couple of places to do that sort of thing then you'd earn your keep during the summer (as i said thinking laterally). out of season, it is obviously slightly different.
Thanks guys,this is useful info. I'm not sure about putting out chairs and stuff outside the bars.I'm not going there to hang out in the pubs and clubs and musically i only go for classical and progressive rock (can't even dance!!).I'm more interested in the scenery and the architecture.Hear alot of it's Moorish.
Language wise i did some work for a client's relative in Santiago.I got by very well with sign language and a notebook!

Finding a landscaper to take me on is the route i'm going to go.

Q2-Would there be any groups i could get in touch with in the UK who are specifically doing my thing with regards to work?
i think your best route is to come on holiday, have a look around, make a few contacts, maybe offer to do a couple of days work as a free trial and see what happens?

fyi everyone in our street bar me has a gardener who comes in regularly to tidy up and maintain the place. i just get expert help in - to trim my palm trees for example - when i need it. so there is a fairly big market there. there are also estate agents - casa del sol - on our site who do a property maintenance service. you could research that too.