mad dogs sky 1

vodka jon

Active Member
not sure if there is a thread about this and how much is actually on Ibiza (apart from obvious sights) but some great countryside and village scenes

oh and a decent programme too
Well the episode on Thursday gone showed the 'strip' of magaluf when there suppose to be in Ibiza! Canny programme though :)
Watched the first series last evening,enjoyed it. All set on Mallorca,which looked gorgeous.
I think it took a lot of it's style from the movie 'Sexy Beast',there was also a sprinkling of 'Apocalypse Now'.
Will watch the recorded stuff when I get a chance.
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I've just watched the first two episodes of series 2. NONE of it is filmed in Ibiza! Not even the arrival of the ferry,murky as it is,straight in the car and off the ferry.then a few seconds of stock film of the beach and bars in San Antonio. I know I should suspend belief.....

Someone recently told me,and I quote: As a taxi driver in Barcelona once said to me,"Ibiza,Mallorca,all the same". Seems he might be right.

ps. if anyone else has seen this,would be interested to know where the featured village church is?
are you sure the arrival in the port isn't ibiza town? the cranes above dalt villa looked familiar?

the church/village scenes are all done in a parking lot in spain next door to the El dorado set
I had another look,the scene is only a few seconds long,and you're right it is Ibiza,but I reckon it was a scene cobbled together in the editing studio.The drive away from the ferry was definately not Ibiza.
Thanks for telling me about the village,they fooled me with that one!
I watched the last one, and yet agin didnt see anywhere I recognised, but at the end it said in credits it was filmed in Mallorca, didnt know they had salt plains in Mallorca
At first glimpse of the salty bit I did think; oh,maybe cast and crew went to Ibiza for the day....
then I looked into the distance and it was obvious this wasn't the case.
Mallorca does have salt pans,and on a bigger scale than Ibiza I believe.
The second series started to become a bit surreal though.
Take the scene of the old lady slaughtering the baby goat for example, come on, it might be a remote village in an island in the middle of the Med (or pretend one in this case) but it's hardly the heart of some rain forest or something is it?

Also the scene in the church with the whisking away of the Madonna statue in the middle of the wedding ceremony, they won't be able to do that in real life.
Another observation, where are these bars in Ibiza where nobody is there but you can still help yourself with the drinks? LOL!

Besides all this, I enjoyed the two series so far.