

Active Member
Moderators can you guys put on a lurk smile/avatar? It would be for the times you just don't want to comment just enjoy the reading the thread.
I think he means he wants to be able to tick some kind of thread like/dislike button without actually having to say anything..
more like email read receipt but with an icon for it. Sometime there are topics I don't have a clue about because they are British, but I like to read the threads.
people who lurk though and never say anything - doesn't bring much to the party though does it?
But I don't get it? Why not just write LIKE or DISLIKE then?

Even better, how about drawing your own button / emoticon on MS paint or something, and you can just paste it in whenever you feel the need?
maybe there should be a menu of options by each thread

this thread fills me with love
this thread had me in tears (of mirth)
this thread had me in tears (of sorrow)
this thread bored the pants off me
this thread was dull, but informative
this thread was NUTS
this thread was THE NUTS
this thread ANGERED me
this thread should be ZAPPED
this thread blasphemed!
this thread needs to be woven into another thread
this thread was ok until FUSION wrote on it

against which you can tick the corresponding comment of choice and then extrapolate whatever conclusion you like from the voting
maybe there should be a menu of options by each thread

this thread fills me with love
this thread had me in tears (of mirth)
this thread had me in tears (of sorrow)
this thread bored the pants off me
this thread was dull, but informative
this thread was NUTS
this thread was THE NUTS
this thread ANGERED me
this thread should be ZAPPED
this thread blasphemed!
this thread needs to be woven into another thread
this thread was ok until FUSION wrote on it

against which you can tick the corresponding comment of choice and then extrapolate whatever conclusion you like from the voting

Like (stolen from buckly)
err just come off night shifts , talking to my dad with can of kroney at 7am.
Could have done with the Lurk button in real life!