Lots of questions about working in Ibiza Summer 2005


New Member

Long time no post... well I have a few questions because after my absolutely perfect 2 weeks in Ibiza this summer, me and a friend have decided to go out there to work next summer. I'll be 19, she'll be 18 and we are both heavily into dancing so we hope to get jobs as dancers in one of the clubs. Here's my questions (sorry if these are repeat questions from other posts)

Should I try to arrange employment before we go, or hope to find it over there?
If we're arranging before, are there any agencies I could go through or anything to make sure we get a fair deal?
How much money should we aim to save before going over to get ourselves started?
What's the likelihood of us getting and keeping jobs from say the end of May till the start of September?

Thanks everyone for your help, this is my dream and I really hope to live it.

:D HI girlies, well i went out to ibiza on 21st april this year,i was lucky,i had a job and accomodation to go to.there was quite a few regulars and people looking for work already there when i arrived.the bars usually dont open till 1st or second week in may.the clubs open middle/end of may,early june.i started work in earnest on may 1st,but it was very quiet in san-an for 2 weeks!.the ship inn bar is the place to see all the vacancies posted on there message board.jobs in may are quite easy to get.come for a 2 week holiday,cheapest place to stay this year was booked via UPMARKET TRAVEL AGENTS across from the ship in.they rent out rooms for 50 euros in may,in a nearby horstal.take enough money for accomidation costs for 2-3 weeks,beer money!,and try and chip in and rent an appartment with a few others,you will meet plenty of likeminded people in the ship inn,its like the san-an job centre for brits. hi to welsh simon and laura in ship inn!....twas told i drunk 20 pints o guinness there in my first day...lol. if you need any other advice, get in touch. cheers big maurice 8)