Lost season 4 finale (possible spoilers)


Holy funking shi-ite

what an end to the season

more questions, very little answered

and....i know who is in the coffin!!!

at that reveal i let out a massive "F***KING HELL!!!!"

Just off to watch it now !!!

I reckon:

Season 5 - trying to get BACK on the island

Season 6 - Back on island (last season)???
just saw the other 2 alternate endings they used to keep people off the scent

1) Sawyer in the casket
2) Desmond in the casket
Loving the spam message above (which I assume will be deleted at some point soon...)

I downloaded this episode but haven't watched it yet. Hope to get around to it tonight... exciting stuff!
I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it! :lol:
Person in the coffin.... I always thought it'd be one of 2 and when the other died earlier I knew it!!

Jeez... what a mindf**k.... always thought this whole show would be about getting off the island and then it happens with 2 seasons left.

Now what?! The quest to return? Will we see what happens back on the island?

Also, this question bugs me: Exactly how many Flight 815 survivors are left??
- 5 (plus Aaron) made it off the island
- Of the 40 or so others, half got massacred when they went off with Locke
- Tailies mostly dead but you've got the kids and couple of adults which the Others kidnapped.
- How many people from the beach made it to the boat but didn't make it back?
- And what about the handful on the tender boat with the goofy physicist??

32 more episodes, but we've got to wait half a year to see the first batch. ARGH!