Lost finale

Blasted time difference. I stayed up to watch the series recap (3am-5am local time here!) and about 30 minutes of the finale but then decided I should get a good 4 hours of sleep before work :(

Now I'm exhausted and I still haven't seen the whole thing :lol:

I've set the torrents downloading before I left the house. I've got an event to go to tonight too so I'll probably be up to all hours again tonight just to finish watching :evil:
Blasted time difference. I stayed up to watch the series recap (3am-5am local time here!) and about 30 minutes of the finale but then decided I should get a good 4 hours of sleep before work :(

Now I'm exhausted and I still haven't seen the whole thing :lol:

I've set the torrents downloading before I left the house. I've got an event to go to tonight too so I'll probably be up to all hours again tonight just to finish watching :evil:

its worth it IMO

Watched the last three episodes last night after a particularly heavy weekend. I'll admit to being a little emotional (the heavy weekend to blame mostly).

I thought it was well written and acted, and nicely finishes it all off. But like I stated in a previous post, I'm going to miss the show, especially all the characters. :(

I might start back on series 1 again soon, now that i know the outcome It'll be interesting to see if there are many indicators to the conclusion. Or wether the writers just made it up as they went along.
lost as been one of the best programs on tv. i liked the ending but wish it was explained better. even though thinking about it bits do make sence.
i am also going to rewatch this once the box set is out on blu-ray (and when the price as come down) :rolleyes::lol: