Looking for work in ibiza


New Member
Hi. I'm looking for employment in Ibiza. Hotel work, Cleaner, Bar work, Waitress anything along those lines really. please check out my profile about me out to learn more about myself. I'm very bubbly plight out going. I dont mind hard work long hours and working weekend shifts. I'm punctual and I'm not a time waster or a let down. I'm happy to do over time too. I'm happy to learn new skills and train if needs be. I'm very good with people and I'm not shy.I am a mature Adult 30ys of age although i dont look it so with me being 30 i hold lots of life experiences and compensates when it comes to employment because I know how to be around people as in not acting up and being immature but at the same time bubbly and out going. I understand the concept of working time keeping ect which is very important when being in employment. I'm happy to work through out the whole summer season and i can work during winter season. I can come to the island soon as you as you take me on or before for a interview to meet and greet you. I would love it so much if you can give the chance and opertunity to work with you on the beautiful island of Ibiza. Please if interested inbox me on here or reply below. Thank you very much and hope to be working with you very soon