Looking for work and a flat!!


New Member
HIya All!

Me and a mate are really looking forward to coming out next year (07) but to be honest its our first time and we just nee a bit of advice bout where to look for work and accomadation and whether we should sort something out before we come over??

Any Help?

Craig xx :D
the best thing to do!

Well there is a web page www.loquo.com , i know its nt realy for ibiza but if you put a posting that u search for ibiza u will def. get a reply.

HIya All!

Me and a mate are really looking forward to coming out next year (07) but to be honest its our first time and we just nee a bit of advice bout where to look for work and accomadation and whether we should sort something out before we come over??

Any Help?

Craig xx :D