Looking for job and accomodation.



Hi, i'm a 23 yr old English guy looking to arrive in Ibiza end of June, does anybody want to share an apartment and look for jobs together? I'm looking to stay until end of September.

Also, a bit of advice....is it really that difficult to find work?
I am wondering the same thing, except for next summer. I am American though, will this present a problem since I'm not a part of the EU? :confused: I will be living in France until April 30th, 2005 and I really want to go to Ibiza for the summer. Please help!
oops sorry, I posted that before reading the stickies! silly me! :oops: I'm hoping that maybe I could find a job without a work permit, b/c I'll be living in France for seven months before going there and I won't be able to get a permit if I'm not in the U.S. :(