Looking for ideas....


Well-Known Member
Have booked myself a hotel room in San An for September, but it’s not got a fridge- how can I go about keeping my beers on the chilly side? Anyone got any tricks to share?
Have booked myself a hotel room in San An for September, but it’s not got a fridge- how can I go about keeping my beers on the chilly side? Anyone got any tricks to share?
bag of ice and the sink always works for me, don't last to long so you gotta drink them sharpish:)
If your really desperate you can find places that will rent you a minifridge for 50 euro a week online...

If not I just buy 4 cans at a time from the closest shop and re-stock when gone. Depends how many you want to drink at a time.
We took cooler bags this year as knew we didnt have a fridge. Load of ice from shop and they worked great
Many of the smaller newsagents and supermarkets sell cool boxes, and they work well but they're a bit of a rip-off.

We bought one for €30 a few years ago and took it to the beach a few times. We even managed to bring it back home as hand luggage :D
About 3 years ago we purchased a cool bag from La Sirena for about €5. It has gone all over the world with us, and has paid for itself a hundred times over. We can take it to the beach filled with drinks and ice, and by the end of the day the drinks are still cool. If left in a hotel room and out of the sunlight, I imagine it would work even better.
Failing that, a decent sized bucket would do the trick - and it wouldn't piss out everywhere.

In the past I have used the sink trick above too. Line the sink with foil to keep the ice cooler for longer. Does become a pain when you want to wash your hands, mind.
Quechua do an inflating cool bag which sounds ridiculous but they’re good and collapse down nicely for packing. Just open the valve and it inflates itself. Get them in Decathlon.