Looking for a room from 7th August - can u help?!


New Member
I'm heading to Ibiza on the 7th August and hoping to find a job and room (I know its the middle of the high season, but i'm hoping that the non-hardcore people may have left by then!) If anyone know's of anyone that will be looking to leave around that time, can you let me know please?!

Alternatively, anyone have any tips??

Thanks!!! :D
My name is Ricardo and I have been many times in Ibiza it is white dificult to get some thing in August.I will be there july and august and I stay in a camping with the beach near by.When I am on my one I use a tent but when my friends come to visit my we rent a bungalow (that is cheaper than a house or a room).
If you need more information send me a email ricardorodriguezf@hotmail.com