Looking for a Job!!


New Member

Im 19, and went to Ibiza a few years ago. Im wanting to go out this summer and stay but need job, Want maybe a job before i go out there so i know what is going on as will be coming out by myself. Im very outgoing and have a bubbly personallity. I can get on with anyone!!!

Im looking for a bar job, PR or even waitressing. Please if you know anything or have a job going please let me know, Email sarahcasimir2308@hotmail.co.uk


Job Hunting

Me and my bofriend are planning on leaving newcastle to look for work in Ibiza. Can anyone direct me in the right way we want to get over there asap and start the year a fresh if anyone can help me out please e-mail me emma8484@hotmail.com.

Hey I'm Sean and I'm going over to Ibiza at the end of May as soon as I finish my exams at Uni. Would love it if anyone could give me any pointers on where and how to get work, accomodation etc. I'm 19 and this is the first time I've done this and I'm pretty sure it will be the same for alot of you. If anyone fancies meetin up when you go out there drop me a message at stewartyftd@hotmail.co.uk