long shot i know!


New Member
hoping to get out to ibiza again this year this weekend. basically leaving it so late deciding and not having much options other than paying stupid amounts of 3-50 400 quid for a week in hotel, with two of us paying 200 each for the flight what are the chances of getting cheap accomodation in san an at short notice?????
i know delilahs and that offer some kind of accomodation but i cant get hold of them and ive never booked it this way before!!!

trying to get it around the 280 mark max (were on a budget lol). only paid 500 last year for this time last year for two weeks and in a group of boys (normally more) this year seems way more expensive for late deal

please help!!!!
otherwise it looks like were lumbered with risking leaving booking (possibly £££ too) until the last last min!!!