London Tube Strike..


Well-Known Member
What dos everyone think?

Initially its easy to be totally against the drivers - why are they complaining the earn loads for a fairly easy job etc...

This is the view thats been put forward by lots of (tory) newspapers , the same ones calling them heros of 7/7 just a few days ago.

Looking into it there is 2 sides to it. They were effectively told that to roll through the night tube service they had to agree to do indeterminate amounts of night shifts and longer hours and only given a few hours to make a decision hence the strike.

Im torn between being annoyed at the disruption and the relatively high wage and understanding that having a big part of your contract changed in that way is just not acceptable. If you have kids etc it would be a nightmare.

What were londoners experiences?
Made no difference to me at all - I was in the office before the extra traffic hit the road and home before rush hour.

If you're going to to support workers rights, you need to support all workers rights and the working classes supporting the erosion of any workers rights, even people that are on the face of it, exceptionally well renumerated for what they do, just feeds the race to the bottom.

Most people aren't seeing that bigger picture and are fixating on the fact they are being inconvenienced by people they seem to consider 'lower' than them. Despite the graphic doing the rounds on social media, comparing nurses' wages, hours and benefits to tube drivers', the real unspoken comparison people are making is with themselves. 'How dare these uneducated grunts earn more than me? I've got a Marketing Degree from Leeds Poly!':lol:

All that said, I'd probably want them stung up if (a) they worked for me or (b) I got the tube to work.
Couldve been handled better, actually discussed it with the unions before implementing it. However their wages are absurd and I'm sure there are plenty of people queuing up for those jobs, they know where the door is.
It looked like chaos yesterday in London - luckily we do not have a tube in the Highlands of Scotland we still use horseback ;):)

Got a bus as was seats but descended into chaos as ppl lost their tempers and started arguing as it packed out pretty quick. properly kicked off once or twice. Queues at bus stops to get out of central ive never seen anything like it before. Best to suck it up , get some exercise and walk in that situation.

Quite a few ppl i know have actually enjoyed the walk
Not trying to rub it in but when I get a bus up here in Inverness you generally get the whole bus to yourself - such a treat ;)
It's not like that in all on Scotland. Last time I got a bus (the number 2 in Glasgow) a jamey sat next to me and pushed herself. I'll talk the walk to work everyday over that.
I have some sympathy for the tube strike this time because i don't think TFL handled it well (when have they ever???) Having said that i no longer have to travel through London for work so it didn't effect me

What i do object to is the whole tube network being shut down because that champagne socialist tit Bob Crowe decided that some cleaner being fired for wanking in a cupboard,or turning up pissed was unjust

Anyway i was taught not to speak ill of the dead so i hope whatever hell he is in, Ken Livingstone will soon be joining him
I have some sympathy for the tube strike this time because i don't think TFL handled it well (when have they ever???) Having said that i no longer have to travel through London for work so it didn't effect me

What i do object to is the whole tube network being shut down because that champagne socialist tit Bob Crowe decided that some cleaner being fired for wanking in a cupboard,or turning up pissed was unjust

Anyway i was taught not to speak ill of the dead so i hope whatever hell he is in, Ken Livingstone will soon be joining him
I try to keep myself in check and not rant too much on this sort of thing these days. Having said that it's always good to hear where people stand....your opinion; that you hope KL dies and goes to hell is interesting, especially as you said "it didn't effect me". Wonder why?
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I try to keep myself in check and not rant too much on this sort of thing these days. Having said that it's always good to hear where people stand....your opinion; that you hope KL dies and goes to hell is interesting, especially as you said "it didn't effect me". Wonder why?

I have an irrational loathing for Ken Livingstone. And Rod Stewart