lock up ur daughters!

off to KM5 apparently. paid a guy 200 euros to drive me for the next 3 days! Nae chance i am doing a Kmjay and driving!
errr...you there now already? that's a bit early then yeah! we'll come later tonight...more like 1am!
errr...you there now already? that's a bit early then yeah! we'll come later tonight...more like 1am!

I think I've peaked too soon (to be fair 12 hour flight)! Allthough the majheeto was ok, I am going to check in...will be back.
weather not that ...
... fine.

Bad weather will continue at least until Monday in Ibiza and Formentera, with overcast skies, rain, occasional storms, wind, big waves in the sea and a drop in temperatures of up to six degrees over the weekend, according to provisions of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

The day yesterday was quite rainy. In the airport rain gauge collected 14 liters per square meter since late Wednesday, when he began to release water, until five in the afternoon. The figure rose to 17 liters in the meteorological station of Sant Mateu and up to 26 liters in the same period in Sant Joan, explained María José Guerrero, delegate of the Aemet in Islands.

In addition, the wind blew hard, with an average of 40 miles per hour and gusts of 67 kilometers is Codolar and 68 in Sant Antoni. The waves reached two meters in the south and were somewhat higher in the north, according to Guerrero said. Sea came a few meters off the coast, as in the beaches of Ses Figueretes and Viver morning, which were flooded with huge puddles.


Superb! I can now speak (sorry). Got a taste of buying a bottle of red wine wherever I went (never drunk it before but i looked rather sophisticated!) Weather quite cold (to what i am used to). It was so cool going into bars when they couldnt speak english and spending an hour our too talking to locals with hand actions...September here i come...