Location of Sol Bahia


Well-Known Member
Ive just booked into the Sol Bahia for the first week of sept :) :) :)

On the map on this site it shows it just behind and slightly to the left of the sunset strip, yet in the reviews, it says its past coastline and Calo Des Moro beach.

anyone know the correct location?


P.S - is it a good choice?
Second location - keep walking past Coastline/Kanya, follow the coast path round Calo Des Moro and it's a couple of hundred yards along...

Nice place to stay, very clean and quiet.
Here's hoping its a good choice! We're staying there the first week in September as well. We picked it because its close to the sunset strip and Coastline etc. Spent most of our time there last year and had a great time!
How many of you staying there Robbo? (4 of us)

It looks a good choice, Ive been thru a good few posts and no-ones given it down the banks (touch wood).
There will be three of us. Two of us are out for ten days and then another one is joining us for seven days.

Haven't seen bad reviews either. The prospect of being able to watch the sunset from our balcony every night while drinking cocktails was a huge selling point for us! :lol:
"The prospect of being able to watch the sunset from our balcony every night while drinking cocktails was a huge selling point for us!"

8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Or sitting on the rocks just in front of the pool area!
NilSatis said:
"Or sitting on the rocks just in front of the pool area!

Yeah, but it's not quite Mambo's, Sol Bahia play really dodgy flamenco guitar "local music for local people" CDs all day in the pool area. Might be your thing though ;-)
I'll bribe the staff to ut something decent on

I used to play a bit of flamenco guitar actually - perhaps It'll stir my heartstrings.

Or more likely I'll just give it a Mark Walters and spend the days at Kanya :!: :!: :!:
Nice idea! If there is music, alcohol and a perfect view of the sunset what more could you ask for?!

I don't know if I contain myself for the whole three months we have to wait before going! :roll: However I'm sure it will be well worth the wait