living and working on ibitsa for non EU people


New Member
first i wanna apologise because i'm missing a letter on my keyboard so i need to write "ibitsa".
I'm from Serbia (south-east europe),a country that's not in EU so getting a working VISA is practicly impossible,travel VISA for Spain is also difficult to get.only way to get a travel VISA is to travel with some travel agency or if u have some friend or relative in spain ask him/her to send u (i dunno how do u call it but guess it's something like this):"guarantee letter".
I haven't got any relatives or friends in Spain ,but i'm going to Spain (mainland) next year in april by some travel agency.So i'm planing to run away to Ibitsa from mainland and try to find a job.not for the money as much as for spendin summer on the island,which is to ppl from here practicly impossible. i'm a huge minnimal/tech house fan,living in city of Novi Sad ,host of one of the biggest music festivals in Europe called the EXIT,which is great and i was working there all 6 years,since it was founded from working behind the bar and promoting all kinds of stuff to physical work,but u know ibitsa is ibitsa.

so i have few questions:how hard is to find job on ibitsa if u r staying there ilegally?
how r the chances to get caught?
if u get caught r u gonna end in some turkish-iranian refugee camp?
r there a lot of eastern europe non EU ppl working there (serbia,croatia,russia,ucraine...)?
when u get there is there any way to legalise ur stay after some period of time?

i can speak english fluently,i've been a :waiter,chef assistant,barmen,security,promoter...and got a lot of expirience in all theese duties.
At the and please don't think of Serbia like some BORAT country where every house have a goat and kalasnikov.ppl here r like in all other countries:fun,friendly and totally addicted to electric sound,plus prices of Es,speed and other chemical drugs r much much lower then in other parts of europe,probably because most of things u swalow and sniff comes from here.just when u r here all ur life it becomes quite boring.
i wish u all the best and thank u in advance for ur answers.