Lifeguard in ibiza


New Member

Just a quick question if anyone knows a lot about lifeguarding in Ibiza,
I've been a lifeguard in the Uk for five years now and I'm coming over to work on the island next week, whenever I've been on holiday there any inquiries I've made seem to all point out that you are required to speak Spanish ??

Is this true and if soo... how unfair :cry: most of the baithers in the pool will be intoxicated English speaking holiday makers......


Just a quick question if anyone knows a lot about lifeguarding in Ibiza,
I've been a lifeguard in the Uk for five years now and I'm coming over to work on the island next week, whenever I've been on holiday there any inquiries I've made seem to all point out that you are required to speak Spanish ??

Is this true and if soo... how unfair :cry: most of the baithers in the pool will be intoxicated English speaking holiday makers......

