Letsgetdownandirtybaby directs Us Marine video in Afghanistan?


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Can it be that our American Friend has some involvment in this YouTube smash hit of American Marines lip syncing a club mix of Britney Spears Hold it against me Track??:)

The glowsticks at 0.25 make me suspicious

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Good shout, would explain why he has had no time to post about his latest adventure. One of the squaddies slipping on a camel turd would really have given the game away:lol:
Good thing they repealed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for gays in the US military.

Otherwise, this video might be used as evidence in an attempt to move for dishonorable discharge for these fine young men.
Good thing they repealed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for gays in the US military.

Otherwise, this video might be used as evidence in an attempt to move for dishonorable discharge for these fine young men.

I think they are just blowing off some steam and having fun. Love to see a Taliban version:)

My Gaydar is probably not a s good as yours but I didnt think any of them were Gay? (well maybe the first guy)

The hot chick at 2.00 is tasty........

I have a sneaky feeling that its US propaganda to show that signing up for Uncle Sam can actually be fun. From the pictures of piled bodies at Guantanamo bay to this......... theres some PR spin!
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Just kidding around, of course.

I doubt any of them are gay (except maybe that first guy) but I turned it off at the 'whispering in your ear' moment which was just a little bit homoerotic :)
Soldiers do not whisper in each others' ears (unless you're trying to avoid detection in combat)
Stand up. At attention. Speak loudly!
At ease, soldier.
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Soldiers do not whisper in each other's ears (unless your trying to avoid detection in combat)
Stand up. At attention. Speak loudly!
At ease, soldier.

Are you trying to tell us something?:lol: Some times you have to whisper in your battle buddy's ear
i gave it about 10 seconds - trully awful - what on earth were you searching for to find THAT?
i gave it about 10 seconds - trully awful - what on earth were you searching for to find THAT?

Actually hit the news channels on Radio and TV. Its getting a fair bit of publicity and went viral.

I watched a clip on TV, then searched for its full version.

When I saw the Glowsticks Mr Fredricks jumped to mind, so and I wanted to check if he was part of it
seriously , how many videos of people miming to stuff can become "internet sensations"?????

doesnt everyone know cats with obscure captions are like waaaaaay cooler??
seriously , how many videos of people miming to stuff can become "internet sensations"?????

doesnt everyone know cats with obscure captions are like waaaaaay cooler??

They are not just ordinary people. They are military personnel trained to kill as their day job.

There is more to this PR stunt than meets the eye.
I just left the military and the video are done by military personnel as a laugh. They get passed along and some go viral. There are lots of the videos some are cringe worthy. My unit did one I told them to burn it.
whilst i respect people who put their lives on the line , miming along to a song isnt really that funny , whoever u are