Leonardo da Vinci exhibition - London


Active Member
Has anyone been to the exhibition @ the national gallery?

We have a Christmas shopping trip in December and are tempted to go here instead of the theatre but read that tickets are sold out (would prob mean agency fees) and it is rather busy?
I went and it is busy but superb ...especially if you appreciate rennaisance paintings. You can queue for tickets on the day despite what the eBay touts say. I am going back at Christmas and I'm really looking forward to it :D
Thanks saucer. I am not a massive art fan, more into his madcap inventions and life story but would expect to be moved by seeing his masterpieces. Would prob regret not going if we didn't.

We are there on the 17th December, will check for tickets now :)
Fair enough. If you are not an art fan you might the queuing and crowds make it too stressful to bother.
gonna try go to this after new year, hoping that the post-xmas, mid-week timing will mean won't be so many queues or might just pay what it takes.

was reading about the exhibition the other day and i'm totally fascinated, all/any of leonardo's works have totally mesmerized me for years and the last supper is IMO the greatest piece of art that exists in the world.

for this one, to have both versions of virgin on the rocks in the same gallery at the same time is nothing short of historic and a once in a century chance to see them presented like that.

cannae wait