legal to record streaming ?


New Member
I wonder if is it legal to record the streaming from a radio statior or audio server like Pacha ? I read somewhere streaming is made to avoid copy but I found as well lot of software that rips the streamings. Also in Pacha tehre are many sessions on demand that seems to be prepared to hold in your PC. Another question : is it legal to re-stream a radio station from another location ? I am in Sweden and I would be interested to re-broadcast at the campus, should I contact radio stations ?
thanks !
Have you looked on My Space, it says on there about downloading there stuff I think. They have their own My Space page.
it is not legal to record the streaming of any radio unless for personal use. Does not matter if lodged in their servers or myspace or wherever. You can rebroadcast any radio signal if you mention the origin and you pay the local royalties about music.