Law & Order (no one likes a grass?)


Active Member
Advice time please kids?!

We have a smack dealer in the road. I know this because I see the smack rats tottering up & down the road.

Rest of the road relatively nice, hanging baskets etc, so his minging little smack pit stands out a country mile.

Really, I want the police to kick his door through at 5 am & bang him for 5 years.

But I have seen some of his (presumably) suppliers come and go - in fact this morning two huge guys turn up & walk in and out returning with what (honest!) looked like a bundle of cash.

Would you tell the coppers? Is there anyway I can do this anonymously? Am I getting myself into something I should just steer clear of?

My instinct says I should be doing something but not attching my name to it. Question is how/what - seems to be no facility for anonymous grassing!

any advice appreciated!
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Advice time please kids?!

We have a smack dealer in the road. I know this because I see the smack rats tottering up & down the road.

Rest of the road relatively nice, hanging baskets etc, so his minging little smack pit stands out a country mile.

Really, I want the police to kick his door through at 5 am & bang him for 5 years.

But I have seen some of his (presumably) suppliers come and go - in fact this morning two huge guys turn up & walk in and out returning with what (honest!) looked like a bundle of cash.

I do not wish to be feeding the fishes in the mersey.

Would you tell the coppers? Is there anyway I can do this anonymously? Am I getting myself into something I should just steer clear of?

My instinct says I should be doing something but not attching my name to it. Question is how/what - seems to be no facility for anonymous grassing!

any advice appreciated!

Go round then with a couple of chaps and give him a pasting!
No into the grassing thing but I know some crack heads and fcukin horrid. Left their 9 year old daughter to feed the 3 year old son as they were too out of it, as got older took their bank cards and helped themselves to money out of their account, I could go on but I only give myself the hump:evil:

I got 2 kids myself so I wouldn't want any of that sh1t round my family. I also lost 2 friends through heroin overdoses. I'm no angel but crack and heroin are a big fcukin no no!!
we had the same in our street, anti-social behaviour at first but it was obvious they were dealing heavily. lost it one time when it was going on till all hours a few nights running.

told a neighbour, they gave me an ASBO book to fill in, like a diary of whats going down, when, etc, etc

anyway, did that for a couple of weeks, the day after it was collected by my neighbour and he gave it to the coppers, they raided the place and found 500 kilos of weed.

funneist bit was the raid itself, they had this massive thing trying to bash it down for 20 minutes, quite a crowd gathered in the street, etc, etc. then someone shouts "why don't you just ring the bell"......the old bill duly obliges and the dealer opens the door within a few seconds. :lol:

do it gareth, nobody wants sh!t like that on their doorstep.

at the doorbell story!

Right - you have inspired me, purpose served in posting my thread, i'm going to ring crimestoppers now.

It's when I see (as I have) mothers leaving kids at the end of the alley so they can pop round the back of my house to jack up / constant parade of weirdos who would do godknowswhat if given half a chance. Have to at least try and change the situation.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Does this sound to anyone else like the perfect opportunity for a

'Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels' style intercept of the money?

"Guns for show, knives for a pro"

"Bit of pain never hurt anyone...."
I've lived in two abodes in the last two years, both next to some sort of ****. Heroin dealer ( who was absolutely fine, except for trying to sell us knockoff **** constantly ) and this year ASBO kids, who robbed our house and deal and get arrested for stabbing up people with Samari swords ( we got another charge letter sent to our address by mistake charging one of them with like gbh with intent with a weapon ). It depends on whether your living there in the long term, my tenancy runs out in a few months so I just get up and go somewhere else. It's not worth the bother, our whole street is run by these people and whenever something happens they all come out. I personally, don't fancy the pasting so leave it and as Mike Skinner says, stare at the geezers so they know you aint lightweight. Haha.
Edit, the heroin dealer was not alright. He tried to smash my door down and kill me with a pneumatic drill. Forgot that bit.
Good luck with this, I hope it gets resolved.

Friends of ours had a similar problem with this type of scum. The police raided the gaff numerous times, presumably the bill never found anything as the shysters continued to ply their filthy wares until they were evicted by the landlord.
Planning on being there longish term

If the road was full of em I would not bother, but luckily we have a good set of neighbours, however as they have been there for years I think they just assume it will always be that way.

Jamman – if you had seen the pair of likely lads who arrived there this morning … be jesus – I could handle myself ….. at school but this is real life!! However you can take a 30% cut if you sort it out for me!
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Planning on being there longish term – we own it.

Thing is, within the context of , it is a nice road. In fact described by an estate agent as ‘the most desirable address in leve’!

Ok that’s like having the healthiest burger at mcdonalds.

If the road was full of em I would not bother, but luckily we have a good set of neighbours, however as they have been there for years I think they just assume it will always be that way.

Jamman – if you had seen the pair of likely lads who arrived there this morning … be jesus – I could handle myself ….. at school but this is real life!! However you can take a 30% cut if you sort it out for me!
That's a bit like saying you live on the 'good' side of a bad place. Sort it out mate- I wish you luck!!!!
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I feel for you mate, we had a brothel 2 doors up from us in our last pad, at first it was quite funny - we used to time the punters going in and out and work out exactly how much they were turning over with the 2 girls in place

Then it started getting not so funny, when I started getting propositioned by strange blokes knocking at the back of our house when they had gotten the wrong flat - really worrying when Phil wasnt around.

They used to get raided almost every week by the police - fined £100 each time. Nothing as bad as having a smack dealer in the street I know, but it just became a real nuisance, and when the owners of the brothel came round, they really looked like proper thugs and most people felt intimidated by them. It had to be reported in the end, we moved before it got sorted, but unfortunately we had to keep an eye on the situation because we used to rent the flats out and it was affecting rental - luckily it did get sorted..... but we had to keep on the police's back in order to do this...

Good Luck - I know a lot of us posting arent exactly clean living ourselves, but I do draw the line at smack and crack on your doorstep - then all the **** that comes with it when arguments start and then possibly turf wars.... :?:?:?:?
Do it mate. I've been in similar situs myself.

but do it anonymously. the cops are hopeless.

I had someone outside my house flashing a handgun around with his cronies when i lived in a less salubrous area.

after watching him through the window for 20 mins, the missus persuaded me to ring the cops.

the armed cops turned up and lifted him very quickly.

I told the cops specifically not to come to our house for a statement - in fact i absolutely insisted - and that we'd go to the station, as i didn't want them knocking on our door as i was going to be out of the country for a few days.

anyway, while i was away the cops came round twice to speak to the missus.

a day later my car was smashed up on the street while i was away and a period of seige ensued.

the cops reckoned they couldn't see a link...:rolleyes: