

Well-Known Member
My god! I have just had laser eye treatment (i was-5.00 so it was quite significant). It was not a pleasant experience and i came home and was in total pain so downed three bottles of wine and six one a day nightol tablets, hence i am up at 4am totally hyper!!!!

I can seeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

It is absolutely amazing - who the bloody hell though of shining lasers in your eyes to improve your vision? The weird thing is you smell burning when the laser is doing its thing.

On top of the world!!!!! No stopping me now!!!!
Laser eye treatment must be pretty amazing. I have 20/20 vision, but after 3 bottles of wine and 6x the recommended amount of sleeping pills, I'm not sure I'd be seeing much. :eek:
It is absolutely amazing - who the bloody hell though of shining lasers in your eyes to improve your vision? The weird thing is you smell burning when the laser is doing its thing.
Developed, at least in part, by the Russians, actually.

My missus was thinking about getting it done as she's blind as a bat without her lenses. I take it you think it's worth it?
What? You had -5 vision? That's nothing! Absolutelu nothing! I had -8 in both eyes and I had FemtoLasik surgery and now I have perfect vision. Yay! Best investment ever!
Developed, at least in part, by the Russians, actually.

My missus was thinking about getting it done as she's blind as a bat without her lenses. I take it you think it's worth it?

It should get my money back in about 4 years from what I'll save in contacts and glasses so yes!. I went to Moorfields and it cost 14000dhs (2000 euro) which is not bad. I dont like the idea of people having it done by Optical Express on the cheap at the back of the shop as it is actually a fairly taxing operation on the patient
It's actually quite hilarious that people say that they'll save the money in glasses and contact lences. Like anyone really takes eye surgery because they want to save money. Cosmetic reasons are fine, practicality is fine, getting rid of glasses is fine, but calculating how much you save in glasses?

But anyhow, my surgery was 3500, so, if I would have bought glasses worth of 350, it would mean that I could buy 10 sets of glasses, and if one pair of glasses last like 4 years, it would take 40 years to pay of the surgery with savings of glasses. Makes sense!
It's actually quite hilarious that people say that they'll save the money in glasses and contact lences. Like anyone really takes eye surgery because they want to save money. Cosmetic reasons are fine, practicality is fine, getting rid of glasses is fine, but calculating how much you save in glasses?

But anyhow, my surgery was 3500, so, if I would have bought glasses worth of 350, it would mean that I could buy 10 sets of glasses, and if one pair of glasses last like 4 years, it would take 40 years to pay of the surgery with savings of glasses. Makes sense!

OK - in sterling:

Daily Contact Lens (80 quid evert 3 months) = 320 quid a year * 4 years = 1,280 quid and glasses at 150 quid a year = 1,880.

So there!
@Morbyd (for consideration for your lovely wife), I had it done a few years ago and basically it cost me alot to discover that I had an underlying weakness in my eyes/cornea (totally undetectable during all pre-op stuff) which meant it didn't work, couldn't be redone. And I had it done with the most respected surgeon in the country so it was nothing to do with him, just me !

Now I have very dry eyes permanently as well as halos during night vision, etc... So for me personally, still with contacts and glasses, plus cost of op, it really wasn't worth it. They tell you that it 1 to 2% of ops are "unsuccessful", which is very good odds until you are one of the 1-2% !!!!

It is still a little depressing remembering all these people raving about their clear vision etc etc, when I was blurry and with plenty of new side effects to deal with. But these are the risks we take when we do non-essential surgery... Don't want to discourage anyone, as I think it can give a fantastic sense of freedom (I love to swim and run etc, which are both a pain with contacts or glasses) but just remember the possible downside and weigh it all up carefully ;)
Wow. Really sorry to hear it turned out like that for you.
Definitely a cautionary tale to consider.
THe only thing to bear in mind with laser eye surgery is this:
If you have 20/20 vision thoughout your life, in most cases when you get to about your mid forties you will require reading glasses.
If you are naturally short sighted in life, then you would normally not need reading glasses.
If you then have the laser surgery, it then puts you back on the same schedule as everybody else. So if you are at that age, you could end end up trading one pair of glasses for another.
So, if your eyesight isn't too bad, it is worth considering just getting one eye done. Within about about a week after your brain adjusts to it.....and you are covered. One eye for long distance and one for close up. It's so good, I can never remember which one is which without covering one up.
I had mine done about 10 years ago above a kebab shop in Croydon. £495 for one eye.
My vision was totally blur without glasses from 15 cm to infinity byut less than 15 cm was really accurate. Perfect for model building, like Claudia Shiffer, but now after the surgery, I cannot focus to closer than 15 cm distances and it starts to blur but now distance to infinity is sharp as hell. I prefer being this way and if I someday need glasses to read, fine, be that way. After all, it's nice to see stuff when not wearing glasses.
my mates had hers done 8 years ago - she now wears glasses - that's due to being over 40 and general wear and tear......:confused: