Ku - 1986

Ah yes, a time machine would be lovely!

But I seem to recall trying out the shoulder pads and spandex look in the 80s and vowing never ever ever ever again.... (I have no doubt you would look much more fetching than me).
Brilliant :D:D:D

Everytime I see old footage of Ibiza it make me wanna :cry: that I never went until 2001.

The quality of the video is excellent.

Don't be too :( ...1999-2001 were vintage years in my opinion so you were very lucky to be there during that time.

The birth of the roofless DC-10, KM5 as a club, Amnesia after hours, early La Troya, the original Space terrace 8).

Aaah too many memories for a hasbeen like me. :lol:


and I love that holiday track too - had to download for my mix as a matter of urgency. :lol:
Yes, some gr8 memories admittedly. We went to Manumission having booked online in 2001, I must have been one of the pioneers of this method of booking as the Spanish speaking bouncer had to get someone else to check out the printed a4 sheet, making a great fuss in the process :oops::lol: It was many years before I used online booking again!
Yes, some gr8 memories admittedly. We went to Manumission having booked online in 2001, I must have been one of the pioneers of this method of booking as the Spanish speaking bouncer had to get someone else to check out the printed a4 sheet, making a great fuss in the process :oops::lol: It was many years before I used online booking again!

Gosh the door system at Privilege has always been so Spanish. A ridiculous mess.

Cram as many people in as you can and take their money.

We always used to arrive at Manu at 3-4 in hope that the gimps had done the sex show bit and left...I just used to confidently say, "We're on Brazilio's list" (whoeverthefeckheis) and always seemed to get in free. Worked a treat. :lol:
i reckon that if most of you had a time machine the last place you'd go is ku 86. hopelessly corny, hopelessly commercial, hopelessly old fashioned and hopelessly europe oriented it was way off the radar for dance music fans of the time. you'd have given it as wide a berth as any other spanish disco.
i reckon that if most of you had a time machine the last place you'd go is ku 86. hopelessly corny, hopelessly commercial, hopelessly old fashioned and hopelessly europe oriented it was way off the radar for dance music fans of the time. you'd have given it as wide a berth as any other spanish disco.

You underestimate my ability to embrace tat Stephen.

Trust me I'd have rocked up in my bermuda shorts/palm tree sunnies and loved it. 8)