Kings Of Tomorrow - Finally (Jamie Dunn Remix)

Not bad jamie, ur skills are getting bad. I think the track sounds pretty dry in places though and also transitions need more work. Just cutting to a break doesnt work to well on the dancefloor imo. Piano is a bit 90's italian house and doesnt have much depth to the sound. The melody/chords it plays are ok though :) Try and loosen up the style though. Add in a bit of randomness to the timing to give it a more human feel rather than a robotic playing style. Not a bad attempt by any means tho so keep em coming B)
lols i just realised that previous post should have said:
"Not bad jamie, ur skills are getting better"! You prob guessed that already though. Or... you might have picked up on some 'bad ass slang' ;)

Pianos can sometimes be difficult to fit in the mix. There are a wide variation of piano sounds so its best to choose a piano sound that fits the mix or start with the piano and build around it. When you are choosing your sound, always be flicking through your library whilst its playing over the track. Alot of people just solo the midi track and keep changing until they find an instrument they like. This wont always fit the overall sound of the track. Its much better to choose one that compliments the sound even if it sounds a bit poo on its own. Instruments are rarely ever solo though so its not a problem :)

As for fitting in the mix, its usually best to take some bass off. I rarely compress it much as i prefer a dynamic sound. Try and find a virtual piano that changes significantly with the velocity. Editing your note lengths is fine but piano chords get alot of their sound by having the keys slightly offset when playing a chord. If the strike of the keys are perfectly quantized to the start of a beat etc then it sounds very robotic. Add randomness to the 'position' value (if you're using cubase) and max at +1, min -1. That will keep your timing but also give you that slight offset of the keys. Also be careful with the velocity, not all keys are struck at the same velocity. If you get a chance to play it with a midi keyboard then do that and fix the timing if your not a strong pianist :D
yeah it sounded like it was either very compressed or one of those 'house piano' presets which doesnt have much dynamic. Go easy on the compression and it will sound more dynamic and be easier to fit in the mix. I know that bootleg of KOT from last year had a fairly compressed piano in it but not as much as this :)

hypersonic 2 is a good plugin for sure so you will get a nice sound out of it. As for quantizing, if you play in the chords yourself, try using iterative quantize instead of over quantize. This will keep the feeling of the playing style a little more but still keep it in time. It sounds much more natural. As for the position, are u using cubase? You know the channel info on the left when u select a midi track? Use the 2nd roll out (i forget what its called) but its in the same place as the increase/decrease overall velocity. The section you wanna change is called 'random' or something like that. You get a scroll box to choose what to affect position, velocity etc. You need to choose position and then use max +1 / min -1. That'll help i reckon