Keith Allen


Well-Known Member
And a bus load of Tourette's sufferers, visiting churches etc.

Recorded it last night and can't wait to see it.

Anyone watch it? Anyone know who came up with the idea? If it was Allen himself and he got the TV folk to agree, I salute him!
Keith Allen is an annoying condescending muppet.

Feel bad for those guys, but it made quite amusing viewing!
And a bus load of Tourette's sufferers, visiting churches etc.

Recorded it last night and can't wait to see it.

Anyone watch it? Anyone know who came up with the idea? If it was Allen himself and he got the TV folk to agree, I salute him!

class telly mate!!!

shouldn't mock the afflicted I know'll see anyway. It starred original tourette bloke John, from now infamous QED show "John's Not Mad". Very funny, great bit when they are having a pre-tour photocall and just as photographer is about to snap someone shouts "fu**ing c**t just take the picture" :lol:
Keith Allen is an annoying condescending muppet.

Feel bad for those guys, but it made quite amusing viewing!

Not seen much of Keith Allen since the mid 90's, up to when, by his own admission in one interview I read, he spent his whole life doing too much coke and calling everyone 'cnuts'.

But the idea that he, of all people, was allowed to martial that group around tickled me.

On a serious note, did it (the condition) seem to damage the sufferers daily lives, or had they learned to control it/cope with it?
shouldn't mock the afflicted I know

I'm sure that someone, somewhere, will get on a soapbox on this, but no-ones laughing at people's actual suffering. I hope, anyway. However, much like the condition recently highlighted when some girl's brain decided she was French, some situations are intrinsically funny. Inappropriate swearing is funny per se, so involuntarily doing so has to be.
A documentary about tourettes sufferers, with Keith Allen.

Never have the emotions of love and hate been so powerful yet so cruelly juxtaposed.

No wonder they're saying c*nt all the time. That's not the tourettes...

Still unbelieveably, yet cheaply, funny though.
I watched this as I read in the paper it was going to be an "emotional journey" and I like things like that.

I didnt see the end but what I saw I enjoyed. I have to say it was hard not to laugh at some of the outbursts, for example when they saw black people they were shouting the N word, people were so shocked and in disbelief but like he said they are so worried about saying something controversial it gets mixed up in their head and they end up shouting it out anyway.

Keith Allen - "You shouldnt laugh at Tourettes but it is f**king funny"

Would be interested to know what happened at the end, I missed where they went to the hospital.

Apparantly the French could never accept it as first, they thought it was an illness people put on.
Piss funny.

The guy shouting out in the French classroom was genius.


I nearly choked on my toast.
the episode of curb your enthusiasm with the chef with tourettes is one of the funniest comedy sketches ever.

tres amusant!:lol: :lol:
shame for them but hilariously funny as well

John came across well as someone very clued up on his condition and related ones.

"Welcome to Paris"
"Just F*** off"
