Keane (Tall Paul Remix)


New Member
Hi Peeps

Have any of you heard this track Pete Tong played it last friday night, then was played about 4 times on the Saturday....

It's a top remix...... has anyone got it for Download i've looked but can't find it..........

Yep nice remix, there is a little bit of "coldplay-feeling" on this track. I quite enjoy remixes like this and recent Coldplay like Talk by Jacques Le Cont.
tongy was saying that tall paul gave him a copy last week and he was the only one who had it. sent it to keane, they liked it and it could get a full release. not much hope of getting a copy for a while yet.
Yea i want this so bad......fellas

Im gonna D/L Pete tongs listen again and see if i can record it somehow.

Im a dab hand at sound editing and quality enhancing so if it good quality sound i will post it somewhere for ya's..........

Watch this space......


Got it recorded but it's got tongy's voice all over it and the quality is 30K per sec off Radio 1's site well crap best i can get it to is true sound of about 66k that's still bad.........all my audio equipment i got and that's the best i can do....tut tut pi**ed off now:?
looks like will have to wait for this one....fellas :cry:
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