Justin Timberlake - Sexy Back (Jamie Dunn Remix) Dirty houssseee

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Go down the page to find the free link on filefactory
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Couldn't hear it on that site, but I have heared the original and I love that song. I think it sounds really good, my boyfriend on the other hand thinks it's crap. So I guess it's whatever your into.

glittagurl77 said:
Couldn't hear it on that site, but I have heared the original and I love that song. I think it sounds really good, my boyfriend on the other hand thinks it's crap. So I guess it's whatever your into.


You have to go down the page to find the free download link, then click start download at the next stage. Hope it works :)
Dan x said:
Out of interest, what is dirty house?
It's just one of those over used labels like 'funky house' and many people frown upon such labels.

Dirty house is electro house with horrible bass lines :lol:
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It's a nice mix... though I'll admit I haven't heard the original. Seemed like you could speed it up a notch but, nevertheless, a catchy little tune.
Whats the secret?......

Top remix...hate pop music myself but am really impressed.
What toys have you used to bring it all together?
sparky71a said:
Top remix...hate pop music myself but am really impressed.
What toys have you used to bring it all together?


I always use Reason for drums / Percussion and Cubase SX3 for audio arrangement / editing and adding in other instruments / synths

the link doesnt work... something wrong with filefactory, another mirrors will be very appreciated :)
anyone upload the song to another place?
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