Just booked a few days at the closings!


Active Member
after going to the opeings for the first time earlier in the year im now going to a few of the closing parties on Sept 24th!

We staying in PDB at Ushuaia for 3 nights!

Planning on doing the following:

Sat: Defected at Ushuaia. not sure what to do after that. i know its defected closing at pacha but after going to pre party i think we will fancy something a bit different (any suggestions?)

Sun: We Love closing at Space then onto Pacha for Cadenza.

Mon: CircoLoco at DC10 then onto Amnesia for Cocoon closing.

Tues: since we dont fly till the night we will probs go for a nice meal during the day and then fly home!

Not long i know but looking forward to it just as much if not more than all my other Ibiza trips!