Mr Stoned.
Don't know where you got your info from but I'll let you know what really happened as I played at the gig you mentioned. On the afternoon of the event the venue received a fax, I think, telling them that JJ had come down with Kidney Stones and would not be able to travel. I have since discovered this is an recuring problem as I was playing with Danny Marquez the next night and he told me JJ had them last year at WMC. Rather than let the crowd down the venue tried their hardest to get a replacement for JJ asking Seb Fontaine, Danny Rampling Eric Morillo amongst others and the only one who could get to Heathrow airport on time was Kurtis Mantronik. This is where the confusion arose. The venue did not let the clubbers know that JJ had cancelled (mistake in my opinion but what happened) and was replaced but as it was a free event no one had money conned out of them. Neither JJ or KC were even in Dubai never mind the venue. No one in any manner was pretending to be either, the flyer and posters on the entrance had pictures of JJ on them.
And your right it's not Ibiza but nowhere is but it's a dam sight better than blighty at this time of year