June 4th, 2 weeks - travelling solo


Active Member
Hey everyone!! :cool:

So once again summer is fast approaching, and thought i would travel solo again to the white isle, been a few years since i've done this, so would be good to meet up with anyone that's around at the time.

As far as plans go for when im there, i haven't the foggiest as yet! Space is a must though also zoo, dont feel i can call myself a "veteran" of ibiza just yet, even though this will be my 13th time to the island, hope to hear off you all soon,

Peace! :lol:
I will be there 6/12-6/18, staying in PDB. Will be solo most of the time as my friends leave on the 14th... I'd be down to meet up! It's my first time to Ibiza so you are definitely a veteran in my eyes:)
Hey everyone!! :cool:

So once again summer is fast approaching, and thought i would travel solo again to the white isle, been a few years since i've done this, so would be good to meet up with anyone that's around at the time.

As far as plans go for when im there, i haven't the foggiest as yet! Space is a must though also zoo, dont feel i can call myself a "veteran" of ibiza just yet, even though this will be my 13th time to the island, hope to hear off you all soon,

Peace! :lol:
Going solo June 4-8 Do you have any boat party suggestions?