Join Me To Da Best Trip In Your Life!


New Member
Hey Guys/Girls,

My name is Jonathan. I'm a 20 years old male from Jerusalem, Israel.
I'm on my way to move into London for the next 2 years, and decided to let my self enjoy and move to ibiza for about 5 month.
I was searching the net like crazy in order to find some nice apprtments and jobs, but nothing was too easy to find.

I was wondering if any of you guys, wanna arrive to ibiza on the beg. of may. set ourselves with a date, meet and get an appartment together.
I mean we can do it around 3 guys/girl. Me + 2 of you. in San Antonio or Playa D'en Bossa for around 500-600 Euro's per month each including everything. I've checked it all out.
Please send me Private Messeges, Mails or just leave your email here.
I'm sure it will be easier to all of us, if we come as a group, party as a group and live as a group ;)

Thanks for your time reading.
With a lot of respect,
Hi my name is Ana Maria, I am from Romania and want to go to Ibiza at the end of may.I am speaking english, french and very well Spanish cause I have studied in Madrid at the university Europeea de Madrid.
Looking for people who go there to share an apartment with.
Your ideea seems to me extrordinary and I want to join you and other persons interested.
You cand consider me one of the persons to stay in the same apartment .
I am leaving u my e_mail adress and please contact me as soon as possible to talk about it more. my e_mail adress is:
To tell u the truth I am kind of dissapointed as I couldn/t manage to find people to go with this summer in Ibiza.
oki, hope to get in touch
Hello, buna, servus Anita. I'm going to Ibiza May 12th, flying from Bucharest via Milan. I'm in the same boat actually: nobody wants to join me to Ibiza for the summer, nobody wants to drop his/her boring job for a whole summer of fun. They just say: "Wow! That sounds fun, but I think you're a bit crazy. I'm coming on holiday to see you, though."
And I really thought I was the only guy in Romania that does that. Nice to see I'm not alone.
I plan to stay in Ibiza Town/Playa Den Bossa, and I've already booked a room at Hotel Central Playa for a week.
So if you want to share accomodation and have somebody to look for a job with, I'm your man. You could also be very helpful as my Spanish ends at "Donde esta la cervezeria?"
Jonathan, maybe the three of us can look for something together, what do you think?
interested in looking for work in ibiza too

I am looking to share whilst looking for work in ibiza..


Hey Guys/Girls,

My name is Jonathan. I'm a 20 years old male from Jerusalem, Israel.
I'm on my way to move into London for the next 2 years, and decided to let my self enjoy and move to ibiza for about 5 month.
I was searching the net like crazy in order to find some nice apprtments and jobs, but nothing was too easy to find.

I was wondering if any of you guys, wanna arrive to ibiza on the beg. of may. set ourselves with a date, meet and get an appartment together.
I mean we can do it around 3 guys/girl. Me + 2 of you. in San Antonio or Playa D'en Bossa for around 500-600 Euro's per month each including everything. I've checked it all out.
Please send me Private Messeges, Mails or just leave your email here.
I'm sure it will be easier to all of us, if we come as a group, party as a group and live as a group ;)

Thanks for your time reading.
With a lot of respect,
Hey Guys!!

Anyway I Am Ben From Haifa 30 Year Old Male From Haifa....i Am Going To Ibiza On 28 Look For A Job And A Place To Crash In.... Would Love To Have More Details.....500 Euro A Month Sounds A Bit High Init??
hi you people

im searchin for a room too ,near playa d en bossa or figueretas ibiza city ,because im a chef in the restaurant duo .i am 23 years old ,born in poland ,lived my life in germany , speak english polish german and i can cook :) .im also a music producer ,thats what i want to do too on ibiza .

would be nice to hear from you ,im drivin with my car to ibiza at the end of may ,26 th i think
. my email addy is