Jobs in Ibiza Cala Llonga or Santa Eulalia



Hiya all,

If anyone knows of any jobs in Cala Llonga or Santa Eulalia for this winter (Santa Eulalia as Cala Llonga closes down) or next summer can you please let me know as soon as possible i am looking to move other there and any job from now till next summer that comes up in one of them places would be great, i would love bar work or waitressing as i love the company of other people and can socialise well i am 17 years of age but turn 18 in November any replies of any sort are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

hey kim.

its very difficult for anyone to find work in the winter in bars and restaurant, purely because the amount of selection drastically goes down, and the only bars and restuarants that tend to be open are ibicencan/spanish bars for the locals. So how good is your spanish?

btw, when have you been to cala Llonga and where did u stay?