Jobs for Canadians



hi have wanted to do this for about 5 years now but always ended up on cruise ships
but i'm done with them now and would like to work out there....I'm game for anything really
just want to spend a summer working and havin a really great time

how difficult is it going to be for me not being from the EU??

Cheers in advance
You should probably read the stickies about Yanks in Ibiza. I know you're not American and I don't want to insult you or anything, but you and I are in the same boat, not being part of the EU, so it might be about the same amount of difficulty to obtain proper work permits, etc. I'm thinking of just showing up next year (can't go this year unfortunately due to finances, etc. :( ) and looking around until I find work where they'll pay me "under the table" I've heard it's possible so I hope that's true b/c I think spending the summer in Ibiza would be a once in a lifetime experience! :D
I know of three canadians out here working right now. Doing PR... but what else is there :confused: