jobs and accomodation!!



my sincere apolgies 4 bin lazy as hell and cutting n pasting ma post fromthe other forum but its pretty much the same as what i wanted to say in here so thought i'd be lazy!!! i know it kinda vaugley relates to clubbing but he accomodation thing doesnt so thought i'd post it in here too to see if any of ya's cud help me!! :) bin 2 ibiza on holiday before but this year me n ma mate hav decided we're gonna come and work but av bin rackin ma lil mind for diff jobs that mite be available in terms ov working 4 the clubs/clubnites but can only think ov flyering and bar work!! not that theres anythink wrong with them but just fancy sumfink a bit different!! and dancings outta the question cos im shit at that lol!! so just wundered if any of u lot had any ideas!! oooo and also whilst im here just wundered if anyone had any idea about accomodation 4 the workers i know most people get it sorted when they're ova there but like 2 b super organised n wud totally want to sort sumthink out before i went ova!! know its dead early 4 me to be waffling on about all this but am so excited already n wanna start making plans!! so any info or advice wud be greatly appriciated!! cheers ma dears mwa!! xx
The only advice I can give you is the one that u prob don't want to patient... You can't really be super-organized if you're gonna work over there...just go there and go with the flow...
i know n ur totally rite its just that theres no way im goin ova there unless i hav a job and accomodation sorted out otherwise i'd probs panic so much i'd be sick lol!!! s'pose i've got lots more months to go before the summer but just wundered whether theres any websites or anythink i cud go on with indications of places we cud rent wen we got there!! xxx
If you haven't worked there before then it's impossible to get a job before you're out there... An appartment may be possible... but hard..
Totally agree, you just gotta chill out! I know what its like to feel like you're going out to nothing but the majority of people are in the same boat! Don't be scared bunnies! :eek:

My first year I was lucky to sort out a job and accom before I went and last year went to the same job again but without accom. Within a week everything had fallen into place and the crayzee antics were well under way! Heeheheheee! :twisted: :lol:
i agree - just get yourself out there hun and honest to god everything will get sorted..and if it doesnt straight away then all the workers help ya out anyway!! rach - is that u off JJ board?? if so pm me gal!! after 4 yrs workin there in the sumemrs im moving over to ibiza permanently from april 1st this yr..and may be able to help ya wiv jobs/accomm etc ok!! im sure its u hun - can tell by ya writin!! :D
Hi rachel!! im sure i recognise you off Jules's Msg Board too!

Im steamy windows off there!

Im hoping to work out there too this year!