ITV'ing the car


HI guys

is the procedure the same her for getting an itv?, bloke in the pub says you need an appointment and it takes weeks, and you are allowed to drive with an expired itv as long as you have an appointment?????

where is the center please


i'll field this. yes, an appointment can take weeks whether you phone or go in person. if your itv is about to expire you can drive as long as you have written proof that you have an appointment after it has expired ie you have to go in person to the itv centre which is on the santa gertrudis to ibiza road just after the roundabout on the santa eulalia to san rafael road
Datos de contacto:

  • ico_flecha_azul2.jpg
    Dirección: Ctra. San Miguel, Km. 2
  • ico_flecha_azul2.jpg
    Teléfono: 971-315-976
do you think you can make an appointment over the phone and get them to send a comfirmation email??, my itv has a week or so left??

probably best to send the wife


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In Santa Eulalia you can got to town hall, They phone ITV and book it for you, Then give you "the bit of paper" you need,
